Special Showing of
on Sunday, December 22 at 10:30 am
at Jodo Mission of Hawaii 2F Hondo
Admission Free!
The 14th Taiko Festival
December 29, 2024
@Jodo Mission of Hawaii
Admission Free!!!
Hawaii Buddhist Council
Bodhi Day Service
Sunday, December 1, 2024
9:30 am
at Nichiren Mission of Hawaii
The 18th Zoom Nenbutsu
-Chanting "Namu Amida Butsu" Internationally-
Saturday, November 30, 2024 1pm (HST)
Hosted by Jodo Shu Hawaii, we will have the 18th Zoom Nenbutsu on Saturday, November 30th from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm. Please join us in reciting ”Namu Amida Butsu” from anywhere in the world.
Please use the link below for your participation. It's absolutely for free!
Meeting ID: 781 552 5934
Passcode : jodo
* Times around the world are as follows
Hawaii Standard Time: November 30, 2023 @1:00 pm
Japan Time: December 1 8:00 am
Brazil Time: November 30 8:00 pm
Australia : December 1 9:00 am
France: December 30 1:00 am
Nepal: December 1 4:45 pm
India: December 1 4:30 pm
Taiwan: December 1 7:00 am
Jodo Shu Research Institute in Kyoto presents
Public Symposium "Let's talk about "Amida Buddha's Welcome " (In Japanese)
Sunday, November 10 at 17:30 pm (H.S.T)
Online Participation (Free)
【令和6年度】浄土宗総合研究所(京都分室)シンポジウム おむかえ-来迎の話をしよう
For more information, please visit the following link (in Japanese)
The 13th Kyoto 24 Hour
Nenbutsu Chanting Relay
Fri. September 27@6 pm
- Sat. September 28 @ 6pm (Hawaii)
When: From Saturday, September 28 @12:30pm to
Sunday, September 29, 2024 @1:00pm (Japan Time)
Saturday, September 28 @1:00am
– Sunday, September 29@1:00am (Brazil)
Saturday, September 28@6:00am
-Sunday, September 29@6:00am (Paris)
Saturday, September 28 @2:00pm
– Sunday, September 29 @2:00pm (Australia)
You can participate in the Zoom service or YouTube link below anytime and for any minutes during the 24 hours.
From Hawaii, the following temples will join in the relay.
Friday, September 27 at 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Lahaina Jodo Mission, Rev. Gensho Hara & Rev. Wajira Wansa
Saturday, September 28 at 9:00 am -10:00 am
Jodo Mission of Hawaii, Bishop Kosen Ishikawa, Rev. Koji Ezaki of Haleiwa Jodo Mission
Kapaa Jodo Mission, Rev. Takaaki Tanabe
Fore more information (including a Zoom link), please click here.
24時間不断念仏会 配信ページ (canchiin.net)
Dhammacakka Celebration
Sponsored by Hawaii Association of International Buddhists
Saturday, September 14, 2024
1:00 pm-5:00 pm
at Higashi Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii
1685 Alaneo Street, Honolulu, HI 96817
Free Program & Open to Public
Please register for the event before September 10, 2024:
2024 Dhammacakka Celebration (google.com)
Hawaii Association of International Buddhists celebrates Dhammacakka Day (set in motion of teachings or Turning of Dhamma Wheel) when the three gems of the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha were completed with the Buddha’s first teaching (Dhamma) after his enlightenment and Kondanna understood it completely to be recognized as the first noble disciple (Sangha).
Have you ever wondered how Prince Siddhartha became enlightened after sitting and meditating under the Bodhi tree for 49 days?
How did he finally choose to pursue the “middle way”, rejecting the luxury of the palace and self-denial of the forest dwelling ascetics after six years of wandering in search of answers to the question “Why aren’t people satisfied with their lives in general?”
Come and join us and hear from Dr. Thomas E. Jackson and Dr. Thomas “Toby” Yos from the University of Hawai‘i Uehiro Academy for Philosophy and Ethics in Education (the home of p4cHI)**, learn more about p4cHI's** approach to cultivating thoughtful and aloha conversation, and use this conversational practice to reflect on Buddha's teachings.
p4cHI** founder Dr. Thomas E. Jackson will explore the connections between his work, a spirit of wonder, and Buddha's life and teachings in his talk "The Purpose of Wonder in Fulfilling Compassionate Life."
Following Jackson’s talk, Dr. Thomas “Toby” Yos will talk about Reflections on Living Well: Learning to Engage in a Practice of Compassionately Thinking Together.
In this workshop, Dr. Toby Yos and youth from his advanced p4c** Hawai‘i ‘Ohana outreach group will demonstrate the practice of p4cHI** conversation. Using Buddha's Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta as a stimulus for their conversation, the youth will wonder and think about Buddha's teachings. We will end our workshop by reflecting together on what we have observed: Do the practices of p4cHI**, whether they are performed in a school classroom or at a family dinner table, provide a way to live out and to develop skill in Buddha's teachings?
This is a free program and open to the public. Secured online donations are welcome at https://www.hawaiibuddhists.org/donate Thank you.
Please register for the event before September 10, 2024:
2024 Dhammacakka Celebration (google.com)
**philosophy for children of Hawai‘i (p4cHI) is a nearly half-century old educational approach to empowering children to become compassionate, ethical, reflective, and effective thinkers.
Program Agenda In Hondo from 1:00-2:20 pm
MC Rev. Eric Matsumoto
1:00 pm Opening with Vow of Humankind-- Leader MC
Welcome speech --- Bishop Kenjun Kawawata
1:05 pm Chants from three schools of Buddhism; Theravada (Ven. Dhammamuni-video on screen) Tibetan – Lama Mingma Mahayana - Bishop Kenjun Kawawata
1:20 pm Cultural Performance: Tai Chi – Moving Meditation Demonstration -- Corey Wong
1:30 pm The Purpose of Wonder in Fulfilling Compassionate Life Dr. Thomas E. Jackson Reflections on Living Well: Learning to Engage in a Practice of Compassionately Thinking Together Dr. Thomas “Toby” Yos In Social Hall from 2:30-5 pm MC Rev Eric Matsumoto
2:30 P4C (philosophy for children) in action Dr Thomas “Toby” Yos and his P4C community
4:30 Refreshments Networking Q&A
5:00 Closing with Metta Sutta -- Leader MC
Hawaii Council of Jodo Missions
2024 O-Bon Season Schedule
Jodo Mission of Hawaii
O-Bon / O-Segaki Service on July 19, 2024 @10:00 am (Hatsubon) & 6:00 pm
Saturday, July 20 @10:00 am & 6:00 pm
Sunday, July 21 @10:00 am
Bon Dance : Saturday, August 17 (From 5pm -9:30 pm)
Contact: (808)949-3995
Web: Jodo Newsletter | Mysite 1 Www.jodo.us | Honolulu
Haleiwa Jodo Mission
O-Bon Service on Friday & Saturday, July 26 & 27 @6:00pm
Toro Nagashi Ceremony on Saturday, July 27 around 9:00 pm
Bon Dance: Friday and Saturday, July 26 and 27 7:00 pm -10:00 pm
Contact: (808)637-4382
Big Island
Hilo Meishoin
O-Bon Service on Saturday and Sunday, July 20 and 21
Bon Dance: Saturday, July 20 7pm
Contact: (808)935-6996
Hakalau Jodo Mission
Bon Service on Saturday, August 17
Bon Dance on Saturday, August 17
Contact: (808)963-6110
Web: Hakalau Jodo Mission Today (hakalauhome.com)
Kurtistown Jodo Mission
Bon Service on Saturday, August 3
Bon Dane on Saturday, August 3 7pm
Contact: (808)936-7828
Hamakua Jodo Mission
Bon Service on Saturday, August 10
Bon Dance on Saturday, August 10 7pm
Contact: (808)775-0965
Web: Hamakua Jodo Mission – The First Sanctioned Buddhist Temple Built In Hawaii
Kohala Jodo Mission
Bon Service on Saturday, July 13
No Bon Dance
Fune Nagashi on Sunday, August 4 ???
Contact: (808)443-3531
Hawi Jodo Mission
Bon Service on Saturday, August 3
Bon Dance on Saturday, August 3 6pm
Fune Nagashi on Sunday, August 4
Contact: (808)987-8495
Wailuku Jodo Mission
Bon Service on Friday, June 14 6pm
Bon Dance on Friday, June 14 7pm
Contact: (808)244-0066
Kahului Jodo Mission
Bon Service on Saturday, June 29 6:30 pm
Bon Dance on June 29 7:30 pm
Contact: (808)871-4911
Lahaina Jodo Mission
Bon Service on Saturday, July 6 (Private)
Community Bon Dance on Saturday, August 10 @Lahaina Canary
Contact: (808)661-4304
Web: lahainajodomission.org
Kapaa Jodo Mission
Bon Service on Sunday, July 14
Contact: (808)822-4319
Koloa Jodo Mission
Bon Service on Sunday, June 29
No Bon Dance at Kapaa and Koloa Jodo Mission Temples
Contact: (808)7426735
Web: Koloa Jodo Mission - Buddhist Temple on Kauai - Koloa Jodo Mission- Buddhist Temple
Jodo Mission of Hawaii
Bon Dance Parking Information
(Saturday, August 17, 2024)
Parking Limited: Parking available on Jodo Mission property until 4:00 pm. After 4pm, no cars can enter or leave until the end of Bon Dance at 9:30pm. Those who plan to volunteer or stay until ending, please park on our Jodo Mission Parking.
1. Hawaiian Mission Academy Ka Lama Iki
Available from 12 noon to 11:00 pm
2. Shriners Hospital for Children
Available from 12 noon to 11:00 pm
3. Central Union Church (only paved area)
Available from 5pm to 10pm
Please do not park on the grass.
The 17th Zoom Nenbutsu
Chanting Namu-Amida-Butsu Internationally Friday, July 26 @11:00 pm (HST)
Online Only
Hosted by Germany Community Jodo Buddhist Meeting, we will have the 17th Zoom Nenbutsu on Friday, July 26 from 23:00 to midnight. Please join us in reciting ”Namu Amida Butsu” from anywhere in the world.
Please use the link below for your participation. It's absolutely for free!
Meeting ID: 868 4323 2215
Passcode : 842152
* Times around the world are as follows
Hawaii Time: July 26, 2024 @11:00pm
Japan Time: July 27 @ 6:00 pm
Brazil Time: July 27, 2024 @6:00 am
France Time: July 27, 2024@11:00 am
Australia : March 24 @7:00 am
Nepal: July 27 @ 2:45 pm
India: July 27 @2:30 pm
Australia: July 27@7:00 am
Texas: July 27 @4:00 am
Pan-Pacific Festival Parade in Waikiki
Sunday, June 9, 2024
5:00pm-7:00 pm
In celebration of the 850th Anniversary of the Founding of Jodo Buddhism &
the 130th Anniversary of Jodo Shu in Hawaii, we are participating in the Pan-Pacific Festival Prade from Fort DeRussy Park to Kapi'olani Park on Kalākaua Avenue, starting at 5pm on Sunday, June 9, 2024.
For more information, please contact Jodo Mission office at (808)949-3995.
For general information on the Pan Pacific Festival, please visit the following link. Pan-Pacific Parade – Pan Pacific Festival
The 19th 24 Hour Nenbutsu Chanting Relay
Fri. May 17 @6:00pm - Sat. May 18 @6:00 pm
(Hawaii Standard Time)
When: From Saturday, May 18 @1:00pm to
Sunday, May 19 2024@1:00pm (Japan Time)
Saturday, May 18 @1:00am
– Sunday, May 19 @1:00am (Brazil)
Saturday, May 18@6:00am
-Sunday, May 19 @6:00am (Paris)
Saturday, May 18@2:00pm
– Sunday, May 19@2:00pm (Australia)
You can participate in the Zoom service or YouTube link below anytime and for any minutes during the 24 hours.
Zoom Link:
YouTube Link from various sites in the world:
YouTube Link from Zojoji Temple, Tokyo (Main Channel):
From Hawaii, the following temples will join in the relay.
Friday, May 17 at 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Wailuku Jodo Mission: Rev. John Hara, Rev. Gensho Hara & Rev. Wajira Wansa
Saturday, May 18 at 9:00 am -10:00 am
Jodo Mission of Hawaii, Bishop Kosen Ishikawa & Rev. Takaaki Tanabe
Fore more information (including a Zoom link), please click here.
24時間不断念仏会 配信ページ (canchiin.net)
Hawaii Buddhist Council
Buddha Day Celebration "Hanamatsuri"
Sunday, April 7, 2024
9:30 am
at Soto Mission of Hawaii
1708 Nuuanu Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
Guest speaker: Rev. Jiko Nakade from Kona Daifukuji Soto Mission
The 850th Anniversary Service of
the Founding of Jodo Shu
Officiated by Bishop Shinei Nakamura
at Zojoji Head Temple
LIVE streamed on April 3, 2024 at 7pm (HST)
Content from Youtube can't be displayed due to your current cookie settings. To show this content, please click "Consent & Show" to confirm that necessary data will be transferred to Youtube to enable this service. Further information can be found in our Privacy Policy. Changed your mind? You can revoke your consent at any time via your cookie settings.
Congratulations to Bishop Nakamura for officiating the 850th Anniversary Service at Zojoji Head Temple in Tokyo. Thanks to the generosity of Zojoji Temple, we were able to participate in this most service virtually and recited Nenbutsu together. Namu Amida Butsu.
The 16th Zoom Nenbutsu
Chanting Namu-Amida-Butsu Internationally Saturday, March 23 @11:00 am
Jodo Mission of Hawaii
Hosted by Jodo Shu South America (Brazil), we will have the 16th Zoom Nenbutsu on Saturday, March 23 from 11:00 am -12:00 noon. Please join us in reciting ”Namu Amida Butsu” from anywhere in the world.
Please use the link below for your participation. It's absolutely for free!
Meeting ID: 847 5924 7912
Passcode : 949764
* Times around the world are as follows
Hawaii Time:March 23, 2024 @11:00am
Japan Time: March 24 @6;00 am
Brazil Time: March 23, 2023 @6:00 pm
France Time: March 23, 2023 @10:00 pm
Australia : March 24 @7:00 am
Nepal: March 24 @ 2:45 am
India: March 24 @2:30 am
Ministers' & Wives' Online Workshop
Thursday, March 28, 2024 at 7pm-9pm (Hawaii Standard Time)
Lecture by Rev. Ryushi Koji
Hawaii Association of International Buddhists
General Membership Meeting
at Jodo Mission of Hawaii
Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 1:00pm
Guest Speaker: Annette Kam
"Wait, Don't Die Yet"
HAIB Membership
$15 Donation Per Year/ $40 for 3 Years /$65 for 5 Years
For application form, please click here.
Please register at
(Please copy and paste if cannot click open link) ZOOM link available for off Island participants
More information and zoom link for off island guests, kindly email [email protected]
Award-Winning Director Yujiro Seki &
Jodo Mission of Hawaii
Documentary Film Showing
Saturday, March 9, 2024 @1:00 pm
at Jodo Mission of Hawaii
Carving the Divine is a documentary film that offers a rare look into a 1400-year-old Buddhist woodcarving tradition and the practitioners struggling to preserve its legacy in a rapidly changing Japan.
The film has become the official selection for 30 film festivals, showing in a total of 22 countries, and won awards at 13 festivals worldwide, such as winning the Best Director Award of a Foreign Language Documentary at World Cinema Milan and premiering at the famous Raindance Film Festival in London
Donation to support Lahaina will be greatly appreciated.
カービング・ザ・ディバイン 仏師
於)ハワイ浄土宗別院 (Jodo Mission of Hawaii)
カービング・ザ・ディバイン 仏師
⾳楽:エミー賞受賞作曲家 ニコラス・パイク
関侊雲、紺野侊慶という⼆⼈の仏師と、 彼らの下で修業に勤しむ若者たちの⽇々を描いた群像作品。 1400年続いてきた仏師の世界の師弟関係は、穏やかなものではない。 弟⼦たちは師の叱咤を受けながら、寝る間も惜しんで仏像を彫り続ける。 鑿と彫刻⼑だけで、仏像の細やかなディテールまで表現する技法は芸術的だ。 ⼯房内の緊張感を余すところなく映像に収めている。 寺からの依頼を受け、新たな仏像を作る⼀部始終もカメラが追った。 ⽊材から仏への変容する様は、魂の⽣ずる瞬間を⾒るようだ。 伝統⼯芸であり、⽇本⼈の信仰⼼の権化ともいえる仏像彫刻の「リアル」を追った。
◆仏師の養成は「丁稚奉公」という弟⼦⼊り制度◆ 仏像を製作する職⼈を「仏師」と呼びます。 仏像には⽊彫仏、⽯仏、⾦銅仏などがありますが、 本作でクローズアップしているのは⽊彫仏の仏師です。 古来より伝わる独⾃の⼿法で仏像を彫っていきます。 その貴重な技術の継承を⾏うため、多くの仏師が弟⼦⼊り制度を設けています。 弟⼦⼊りの⽅法は「丁稚奉公(でっちぼうこう)」という、 年季を決めて修⾏をするのが⼀般的。
Jodo Shu Research Institute
Free Online Seminar (in Japanese)
Sunday, February 25 at 6pm -9:30 pm
[対面]浄土宗大本山増上寺 光摂殿 講堂
The 15th Zoom Nenbutsu
Chanting "Namu Amida Butsu" Internationally (C.N.I.)
Hosted by Busshinji Temple
in Bodhgaya, India
Thursday, February 8, 2024 22:00 (Hawaii)
The Simultaneous NENBUTSU Recitation Meet 2024
January 18-24 (H.S.T.)
January 25th is the memorial day of our founder “HONEN-SHONIN”.
Before Honen Shonin passed away, he was once asked about his memorial temple by his disciple, Shinku. “Where shall we build your memorial temple after you are gone? All distinguished monks from ancient times have left memorial temples, but none such has yet been erected for you.”
Honen Shonin replied, “if you erect a memorial for me in one place, it would prevent the spread of my teaching. My memorial site should exist throughout the country. Wherever Nenbutsu is recited, there shall be my memorial.”
Propagation of Nenbutsu throughout the country was his life-long purpose but modern technology has made it possible to spread much more widely and quickly in the world.
Jodo Shu Young Ministers’ Association proudly present its “The Simultaneous Nenbutsu Recitation Meet” again this year in order for us to chant “Namu Amida Butsu” anytime and anywhere in the world.
Young Ministers’ Association has prepared a special map on their website.
Do you practice Nenbutsu? Are you a follower of Nenbutsu? If so, please help us to make a Nenbutsu followers map. By registering your name and location on the special site, picture of lotus flower will be pop up in the map! Please visit https://zj.jodo.or.jp/en_doji_map
Registration starts on Wednesday January 18 @5:00am (Hawaii Time).
For more information, please visit here.
The 14th Zoom Nenbutsu
-Chanting "Namu Amida Butsu" Internationally-
Tuesday, January 24, 2024 9:15 pm (HST)
Hosted by Rev. Milan Komyo Sheresta in Nepal, we will have the 14th Zoom Nenbutsu on Tuesday, January 24th from 9:15 pm to 10:15 pm. Please join us in reciting ”Namu Amida Butsu” from anywhere in the world.
Please use the link below for your participation. It's absolutely for free!
*There will be no in-person service at Jodo Mission at this time.
Meeting ID: 213 104 9394
Passcode: dDEB9A
* Times around the world are as follows
Nepal: January 25, 2024 1:00 pm
Hawaii Standard Time: Tuesday, January 24, 2024 at 9:15 pm
Japan Time: January 25, 2024 4:15 pm
Brazil Time: January 25, 2024 4:15 am
Australia : January 25, 2024 5:15 pm
France: January 25, 2024 8:15 am
India: January 25, 2024 12:45pm
Taiwan: January 25, 2024 3:15 pm
Guitarists Play for Maui
December 17, 2023 11:00 am (HST)
A Free Online Video Concert Marathon to support the people of Maui after the devastating fires of August 2023
For more information and URL, please click the link below.
Content from Youtube can't be displayed due to your current cookie settings. To show this content, please click "Consent & Show" to confirm that necessary data will be transferred to Youtube to enable this service. Further information can be found in our Privacy Policy. Changed your mind? You can revoke your consent at any time via your cookie settings.
Featuring performances by:
Ben Verdery • Andrew York • Frederic Hand • David Leisner • Jeff Peterson • Laura Snowden • Martha Masters • Gulli and Jiji • Vida Guitar Quartet • John Dearman • Julian Gray & Serap Bastepe-Gray • Ian O’Sullivan • Eden Stell Guitar Duo • Olson/De Cari Duo • Amanda Cook • Atlantic Guitar Quartet • Threefifty • Jangsoo Jun • Rie Schmidt • Laura Boswell • Zane Forshee & Gene Koshinski • Fire & Grace • Scott Cmiel • Kim Perlak • Rami Vamos & Nuirt Pacht • Liz Faure • Michael Poll • Satchel Henneman & Roberto Granados • Koh Kazama • Andrew Hull • Josh Friedman • Mesut Özgen • Chika & Scott • Meghandiego • Dave Veslocki & Patrick Simone • Jacob Reuven & Mari Carmen Simon with The Great Necks
Presented by Ben Verdery and John Olson
The 14th Zoom Nenbutsu
-Chanting "Namu Amida Butsu" Internationally-
Tuesday, January 24, 2024 9:15 pm (HST)
Hosted by Rev. Milan Komyo Sheresta in Nepal, we will have the 14th Zoom Nenbutsu on Tuesday, January 24th from 9:15 pm to 10:15 pm. Please join us in reciting ”Namu Amida Butsu” from anywhere in the world.
Please use the link below for your participation. It's absolutely for free!
*There will be no in-person service at Jodo Mission at this time.
Meeting ID: 213 104 9394
Passcode: dDEB9A
* Times around the world are as follows
Nepal: January 25, 2024 1:00 pm
Hawaii Standard Time: Tuesday, January 24, 2024 at 9:15 pm
Japan Time: January 25, 2024 4:15 pm
Brazil Time: January 25, 2024 4:15 am
Australia : January 25, 2024 5:15 pm
France: January 25, 2024 8:15 am
India: January 25, 2024 12:45pm
Taiwan: January 25, 2024 3:15 pm
Illustrated Biography of Honen Shonin
Scrolls were donated by Mr. Kinzo Ozaki in commemoration of the completion of Jodo Mission Temple Building at Makiki in 1932. As one of our 850th Anniversary projects, we made this available online with English translations.
The 13th Zoom Nenbutsu
-Chanting "Namu Amida Butsu" Internationally-
Hosted by Jodo Shu Hawaii, we will have the 13th Zoom Nenbutsu on Thursday, November 30th from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm. Please join us in reciting ”Namu Amida Butsu” from anywhere in the world.
Please use the link below for your participation. It's absolutely for free!
Meeting ID: 781 552 5934
Passcode : jodo
* Times around the world are as follows
Hawaii Standard Time: November 30, 2023 @1:00 pm
Japan Time: December 1 8:00 am
Brazil Time: November 30 8:00 pm
Australia : December 1 9:00 am
France: December 30 1:00 am
Nepal: December 1 4:45 pm
India: December 1 4:30 pm
Taiwan: December 1 7:00 am
The Hawaii Association of International Buddhists (HAIB)
Dhammacakka Celebration on Zoom
Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 4pm-6pm (HST)
The Hawaii Association of International Buddhists (HAIB) Dhammacakka Celebration ZOOM Saturday, November 18, 2023, at 4:00 to 6:00 pm Hawaii Time. Please check your local time, the Daylight-Saving Time ends on November 5.
"Gratitude: Buddhist Daily Practice to Overcome Challenges while Creating Happiness."
Speaker and moderator - David B. Rich (aka Kawika)
Responses by intergenerational panelists from various schools of Buddhism. Dhammacakka represents the Wheel of Dhamma when Shakyamuni Buddha delivered his first sermon on the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. His Setting in Motion the Wheel of Dhamma gave Buddhists and all others a path to follow that can lead them towards achieving enlightenment.
The free program details can be found in the attached file or visit https://www.hawaiibuddhists.org/ to learn more about HAIB activities and please become a member and make a donation to support HAIB programs at https://www.hawaiibuddhists.org/donate
Register for zoom information to be sent to you at:
at Jodo Mission of Hawaii
on Sunday, October 29, 2023
4:00 pm -5:00pm
Free Admission
(Donations accepted for Lahaina Jodo Mission)
Hawaii Gagaku Kai and Jodo Mission of Hawaii present its Gagaku Music
on Sunday, October 29, 2023 at 4:00 pm.
The 12th Kyoto 24 Hour
Nenbutsu Chanting Relay
Fri. September 29 @5:30pm - Sat. September 30 @6:00 pm
When: From Saturday, September 30 @12:30pm to
Sunday, October 1, 2023 @1:00pm (Japan Time)
Saturday, September 30 @1:00am
– Sunday, October 1@1:00am (Brazil)
Saturday, September 30@6:00am
-Sunday, October 1 @6:00am (Paris)
Saturday, September 30@2:00pm
– Sunday, October 1@2:00pm (Australia)
You can participate in the Zoom service or YouTube link below anytime and for any minutes during the 24 hours.
From Hawaii, the following temples will join in the relay.
Friday, September 29 at 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Lahaina Jodo Mission, Rev. Gensho Hara & Rev. Wajira Wansa
Saturday, September 30 at 9:00 am -10:00 am
Jodo Mission of Hawaii, Bishop Kosen Ishikawa & Rev. Takaaki Tanabe
Kapaa Jodo Mission, Rev. Myoko Takano
Fore more information (including a Zoom link), please click here.
24時間不断念仏会 配信ページ (canchiin.net)
The Hawai‘i Book & Music Festival Presents
a Feminist’s Novel About the First Women to Join the Buddha’s Community
Inspired by the Therigatha (the collection of 73 poems by some of the first Buddhist women --perhaps the oldest collection of women’s voices we have in the world), Victoria Sasson follows Vimala, Patachara, Bhadda Kundalakesa, and many others as they walk through the forest to request full access to Buddha’s community. The Buddha’s response to this request is famously complicated; he eventually accepts women into the Order, but specific and controversial conditions are attached. Sasson invites us to think about who these first Buddhist women might have been, what they might have hoped to achieve, and what these conditions might have meant to them thereafter. Sasson imagines a world that continues to inspire and complicate Buddhist narrative to this day.
The Hawai‘i Book & Music Festival Presents
a Feminist’s Novel About the First Women to Join the Buddha’s Community
Inspired by the Therigatha (the collection of 73 poems by some of the first Buddhist women --perhaps the oldest collection of women’s voices we have in the world), Victoria Sasson follows Vimala, Patachara, Bhadda Kundalakesa, and many others as they walk through the forest to request full access to Buddha’s community. The Buddha’s response to this request is famously complicated; he eventually accepts women into the Order, but specific and controversial conditions are attached. Sasson invites us to think about who these first Buddhist women might have been, what they might have hoped to achieve, and what these conditions might have meant to them thereafter. Sasson imagines a world that continues to inspire and complicate Buddhist narrative to this day.
Vanessa R. Sasson
Vanessa R. Sasson, author of Yasodhara: A Novel About the Buddha’s Wife, is a professor of Religious Studies at Marianopolis College in Montreal, Canada; she is also a Research Fellow at the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa.
Get your Free Tickets at Eventbrite5:30 pm, Sunday, October 8thUH Manoa / The William S. Richardson School of Law / CR2Free Admission--Limited to 120Quarry Parking is FREE.
REGISTER now at Eventbrite
Praise for The Gathering
A bold blend of elements that are often kept apart: scholarship on Buddhist narrative traditions, familiarity with the concerns of contemporary female monastic communities, a sharp feminist sensibility, and vivid storytelling. While she does not shrink from asking some hard questions about gender inequity in Buddhism, Sasson's narrative brims with tenderness for her characters and delight in a tradition and a history that she clearly cherishes and respects. Sasson brings to life scenes and characters and conversations with humor and humanity.
—Amy Langenberg, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Eckerd College
Vanessa Sasson has once again gifted us with a tale that brings early Buddhist women to life. Animating her well-researched evidence with an evocative imagination and vivid prose, she helps us feel their suffering, understand their diverse motivations, respect their wise insights, and be inspired by their resilient strength.
—Paula K. R. Arai, Ph.D., author of Women Living Zen
The Gathering for the first time portrays the lives of the early Buddhist women in such a way that they come alive. It is a novel, first of its kind, to break through the barrier of male voices, and it is told vividly in such a moving and engaging way.
—Bhikkhuni Dhammananda (Chatsumarn Kabilisingh)
2023 Peace Day
by Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii
Mahalo nui loa for your support to our 2023 Bon Dance at Jodo Mission of Hawaii.
Saturday, August 19, 2023
4:15 pm Prayer at Jizo Bodhisattva
4:30 pm Food Booths Open
Taiko Performance by Dragon Beat
5:00 pm Opening Prayer
5:05 pm Bon Dance - Hawaii Shinkobukai
5:55 pm Iwakuni
6:15 pm Hawaii Eisa Shinyukai
6:45 pm Fukushima Ondo by Aiea Taiheiji Yagura Gumi
7:15 pm Hawaii Shinkobukai
8:05pm Iwakuni
8:25 pm Sento-e - One Thousand Lights Ceremony
8:30 pm Hawaii Eisa Shinyukai
9:00 pm Fukushima Ondo by Aiea Taiheiji Yagura Gumi
9:30 pm Arigato (Hawaii Shin Kobukai)
Parking Information
Parking Limited: Parking available on Jodo Mission property until 4:00 pm. After 4pm, no cars can enter or leave until the end of Bon Dance at 9:30pm. Those who plan to volunteer or stay until ending, please park on our Jodo Mission Parking.
1. Hawaiian Mission Academy Ka Lama Iki
Available from 3:30pm to 11:00 pm
2. Shriners Hospital for Children
Available from 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm
3. Central Union Church (only paved area)
Available from 5pm to 10pm
Please do not park on the grass.
Hawaii Council of Jodo Missions
2023 Bon Dance Schedule
Hawaii Council of Jodo Missions (Jodo Shu) 2023 Bon Schedule
*The following schedule was voluntarily compiled by the Bishop's office. Please contact the individual temple office to confirm the schedule and more information.
| Jodo Mission of Hawaii 1429 Makiki Street Honolulu, HI 96814
| Bon Dance on Saturday, August 19 @5:00pm
Taiko Performance by Dragon Beat Hawaii
| July 14-16(In-person and Online) Friday, July 14 @10:00am Hatsu-Bon Service
Regular Bon Service: Friday, July 14 @6pm, Saturday, July 15 @10:00 am & 6:00 pm & Sunday, July 16 @10:00 am
| *All services will be conducted by both in-person and YouTube Live.
| Haleiwa Jodo Mission 66-279A Haleiwa Road, Haleiwa Rev. Koji Ezaki
|Bon Dance on Friday & Saturday, July 21 & 22 @7pm
Bon Service on Saturday, July 22 @6 pm Toro Nagashi to follow.
| Toro Nagashi / Floating Lantern Ceremony on Saturday, July 22
| Kurtistown Jodo Mission 17-420 Kuaaina Road, Kurtistown Rev. Junshin Miyazaki | Bon Dance on Saturday, August 5 6:00 pm
Bon Service on | Saturday, August 5 @7:00 pm
| Hilo Meishoin 97 Olona Street, Hilo Rev. Junshin Miyazaki
| Bon Dance on Saturday, July 8 @7:00 pm
| Bon Service on Saturday, July 8 @6:00 pm & Sunday, July 9 @10:00 am |
| Hakalau Jodo Mission 29-2271 Old Mamalahoa Hwy, Hakalau Rev. Junshin Miyazaki | Bon Dance on Saturday, August 19 Immediately following service at 5pm.
| Bon Service on Saturday, August 19 @5:00 pm |
| Hamakua Jodo Mission 44-2947 Kalopa Road, Honokaa Rev. Wajira Wansa
| Bon Dance on Saturday, August 12 7:00 pm
| Bon Service on Saturday, August 12 5pm Graveyard Service & 6pm Bon Service at the temple
| Kohala Jodo Mission 54-541 Kapaau Road, Kapaau Rev. Wajira Wansa
| Bon Dance on Saturday, July 8 @7:00 pm (Only members and friends)
| Bon Service on Saturday, July 8 @6:00 pm
| Hawi Jodo Mission 55-1104 Akoni Pule Hwy, Hawi Rev. Wajira Wansa
| Bon Dance Cancelled
| Bon Service on Saturday, August 5 @5:00pm Taiko Performance by Kohala Okinawa Taiko Group
| Wailuku Jodo Mission 67 Central Avenue, Wailuku Rev. John Hara
| Bon Dance on Friday, June 16 @7:00pm
| Bon Service on Saturday, June 16@6:00pm
| Kahului Jodo Mission 325 Laau Street, Kahului Rev. John Hara
| Bon Dance on Saturday, June 24 @7:30pm
| Bon Service on Saturday, June 24 @6:30 pm
| Lahaina Jodo Mission 12 Ala Moana Street, Lahaina Rev. Gensho Hara
| Bon Dance on Saturday, July 1 8:00 pm
| Bon Service on Saturday, July 1 @6:30pm & Toro Nagashi at 7:30 pm
Offering of Taiko by Maui Taiko followed by Bon Dance
| Kapaa Jodo Mission 4524 Hauaala Road, Kapaa
| Bon Dance Cancelled
| Bon Service on July 30 @10:00 am Bon Service with Toba prayer
| Bon Grave services at Anahola, Kapaa-Kealia, Wailua and Kapaia will be held in August.
| Koloa Jodo Mission 3480 Waikomo Road, Koloa
| Bon Dance Cancelled
| Bon Service on June 18@10:30 am with Toba prayer
| Toro Nagashi discontinued for good. Bon Grave services at Lawai, Koloa, Hanapepe cemeteries will be conducted in June -July.
Hawaii's Plantation Village's
33rd Annual Obon Celebration
Saturday, June 3, 2023
4pm -10pm
The 18th 24 Hour Nenbutsu Chanting Relay
Fri. May 26 @6:00pm - Sat. May 26 @6:00 pm
When: From Saturday, May 27 @1:00pm to
Sunday, May 28 2023 @1:00pm (Japan Time)
Saturday, May 27 @1:00am
– Sunday, September 28@1:00am (Brazil)
Saturday, May 27 @6:00am
-Sunday, May 28 @6:00am (Paris)
Saturday, May 27@2:00pm
– Sunday, May 28@2:00pm (Australia)
You can participate in the Zoom service or YouTube link below anytime and for any minutes during the 24 hours.
Zoom Link:
YouTube Link from various sites in the world:
YouTube Link from Zojoji Temple, Tokyo (Main Channel):
From Hawaii, the following temples will join in the relay.
Friday, May 26 at 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Lahaina Jodo Mission, Rev. Gensho Hara & Rev. Wajira Wansa
Saturday, May 27 at 7:00 am -8:00 am
Wailuku Jodo Mission, Rev. John Hara
Saturday, May 27 at 9:00 am -10:00 am
Jodo Mission of Hawaii, Bishop Kosen Ishikawa & Rev. Takaaki Tanabe
Fore more information (including a Zoom link), please click here.
24時間不断念仏会 配信ページ (canchiin.net)
Dharma Light Relay Service
In commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of the Founding of Jodo Shu
Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 11:00 am
Jodo Mission of Hawaii
As you may know, Jodo Shu will celebrate the 850th Anniversary of its founding in 2024. As part of this commemoration, we invite you to participate in the Dharma Light Relay Ceremony of Nenbutsu at Jodo Mission of Hawaii on Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 11:00 am at Jodo Mission of Hawaii.
This Dharma Light Relay starts at Seiryuji Temple where Honen Shonin encountered the verse, “All will be saved by calling Amida Buddha’s sacred name, Namu Amida Butsu” in the commentary on the Visualization Sutra by the Chinese Pure Land Master Shandao. Honen Shonin realized that Nenbutsu was the ultimate way for universal salvation. Then he descended to the city and stayed at Yoshimizu (currently Chionin temple) where he dedicated himself to the spread of Nenbutsu teachings. Thus Nenbutsu spread gradually and was transmitted from person to person from generation to generation. We call this transmission of Nenbutsu as transmission of “Dharma Light.”
In recognition of Honen Shonin’s footstep of the initial transmission of “Dharma Light” from Seiryuji Temple, young ministers will carry Light with a candle on foot from Seiryuji temple to Chionin where various representatives will get together to receive and pass this light to many more temples and members. Bishop Ishikawa is attending this service in order to pass out this Dharma Light to Jodo Mission temples in Hawaii. Ministers from neighbor islands will gather for this ceremony at Jodo Mission to receive and pass out the light to its members. All are invited and we will present candle light with Dharma light of Nenbutsu to each participant. Light refreshments will be served after the service. Also special Koto Concert will be held after the refreshments at 1:00 pm.
In relation to this Dharma Relay, we’d like to encourage as many people as possible to establish a Karmic Connection with Amida Buddha by participating in the Reiwa-Edition Registry of Nenbutsu Devotees.
On the one-year memorial service for Honen Shonin, his foremost disciple Genchi Shonin expressed his devotion to his maser by having a standing statue of Amida Buddha carved in his memory. Inside the image was discovered sheets of paper in which as many as 46,000 names of devotees were written, who were karmically connected to the statue. This registry attests that many people who wished to be born in the Pure Land of the Western Paradise, created a strong bond with Honen Shonin’s teachings and recited Nenbutsu with deep appreciation. Now almost 850 years after Honen Shonin founded the Pure Land Sect called “Jodo Shu”, let us also recite the Nenbutsu and write down Namu Amida Butsu for the Reiwa-Edition Registry. Your Nenbutsu offerings will be compiled in the registry and dedicated in front of the Statue of Amida Buddha created by Genchi Shonin. Registry paper will be available at the service. We hope you will take this opportunity to make a strong karmic connection with the Nenbutsu.
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Dharma Light Relay Service in Hawaii Saturday, May 20, 2023 @11:00 am
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Message from Bishop Kosen Ishikawa
Dear Members and friends of Jodo Mission,
Did you know that McDonalds in Japan used to offer a “smile” on the menu? It was a real smile for free. On the menu board, it clearly said, “Smile….¥0” in Japan. Therefore it was possible to ask “Can I have a smile?” and you could have a big smile from the service staff for free before. I thought this was a wonderful idea to provide something free to customers all the time. I heard they discontinued “Free Smiles” on the menu boards because they can now give smiles without your ordering!
Needless to say, smile is so important. When I see someone smiling I become so happy that I can forget whatever unhappiness might be present. Although I don’t have a handsome smile, I do like smiling and I like seeing people smiling back. The Japanese often say, “Warau kado ni wa, Fuku kitaru.” It’s a proverb that means: “Happiness comes to those who wear a smile.” Another definition is: “laugh and grow prosperous.” It indicates that the attitude of the person is what creates their happiness or unhappiness.
The late well-known Vietnamese Buddhist Master, Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh had taught many people around the world about the easy way to mediate. As a method of meditation, he recommends that we can become aware of our breathing at any time and in any place. Here are the four lines that Thich Nhat Hanh recommended to recite as we mindfully breathe in and out:
Breathing in, I calm my body.
Breathing out, I smile.
Dwelling in the present moment,
I know this is a wonderful moment.
The Buddha teaches we should be the master of ourselves. Whenever we have to do something that we don’t enjoy, we may begin to frown or even make an angry face. Thich Nhat Hanh stresses that we put a smile on our face in times like those in order to gain mastership over ourselves. In fact, anytime is a good time to smile.
It is not easy to become the master of yourself. It is, however, not too difficult to be the master of your smile. When smiling, we use many muscles in our face. By using the many muscles in our face, they naturally become very healthy and comfortable. And when we smile to others, we share the strength of the power of our smile with others.
Our world is not always a peaceful place. Violence, terrorism, and war are always going on somewhere in the world. It may be idealistic to try to live peacefully in these times, but unless we remain idealistic and continue in our efforts, the world will never change. I encourage each and every one of you to practice smiling as well as Nenbutsu. Bringing peace to the world can begin with one smile. I pray everyday that Amida Buddha’s gentle smile always surrounds you no matter where you are in the world.
Namu Amida Butsu with Gassho,
Bishop Kosen Ishikawa
Jodo Mission Children's Day Service
Sunday, May 7, 2023 @10:00 am
In celebration of Children's Day, we will have a special Sunday Service and entertainment with Koinobori (Carp Streamers). Students of Dragon Beat Hawaii will present Taiko performance and Miss Sally Ishikawa will present Hula.
Please come to enjoy this celebration with your family. Refreshments of Kashiwa Mochi will be served.
HBC Buddha Day Service 2023
April 2 @9:30 am
at Jodo Mission of Hawaii
Guest Speaker: Dr. George Tanabe
Special Presentation of Jataka Tales
by Jeff Gere & Lesley Kline
LIVE Hanamatsuri Service on Sunday, April 2 9:30 am (HST)
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Program (PDF File)
2023 Hawaii Jodo Shu
Pilgrimage Tour to Kyoto, Japan
The website for registration has been released. For more information, please visit the link below. Deadline of the application was postponed till end of May. For questions, please feel free to contact Bishop Ishikawa.
2023 Hawaii Jodo Shu
Pilgrimage Tour to Kyoto, Japan
The website for registration has been released. For more information, please visit the link below;
Saturday, March 25, 2023 @2:00pm
The Hawaii Association of International Buddhists presents
-A Hawaiian-Buddhist perspective-
Dr. Manulani Aluli-Meyer
Spring BDK-Fujitani Interfaith Program
March 19, 2023 @2 -4:00pm
at the Mystical Rose Oratory on the Chaminade campus. 3140 Waialae Ave., Honolulu, HI 96816.
11th Zoom Nenbutsu
-Chanting "Namu Amida Butsu" Internationally-
Hosted by Jodo Shu South America (Brazil), we will have the 11th Zoom Nenbutsu on Saturday, March 11 from 11:00 am -12:00 noon. Please join us in reciting ”Namu Amida Butsu” from anywhere in the world.
Please use the link below for your participation. It's absolutely for free!
Meeting ID: 858 5850 6482
Passcode : 313813
* Times around the world are as follows
Hawaii Time:March 11 , 2023 @11:00am
Japan Time: March 12 @6;00 am
Brazil Time: March 11, 2023 @6:00 pm
France Time: March 11, 2023 @10:00 pm
Australia : March 12 @7:00 am
Nepal: March 12 @ 2:45 am
India: March 12 @2:30 am
Jodo Mission Youth Retreat on Oahu
Sunday, March 12, 2023
9:00am -2:oo pm
Hosted by Haleiwa Jodo Mission
Haleiwa Jodo Mission Sunday School will host our annual Youth Retreat program on Sunday, March 12, 2023 from 9am -2pm as follows:
8:50 am Gather at Haleiwa Jodo Mission
(66-279 Haleiwa Rd A, Haleiwa, HI 96712)
9:00 am Jodo Buddhist Sunday School Service at Haleiwa Jodo Mission
9:30 am Visit Malama Loco Air Fishpond in Haleiwa
Tour of Loko ea
Iʻa (Fish) Identification and Observation activity
Mālama ʻĀina activity
Clean-up and Closing Circle
12:30 pm Lunch at Haleiwa Jodo Mission
1:30 pm Holo-holo around Island X
2:00 pm Dismissal
Jodo Mission offers this program for free for children/grand-children/great-grandchildren of our Jodo Shu members. Please encourage them to join in our youth activities. For more information, please contact Rev. Myoko Takano (Email: [email protected] ).
Hawaii Jodo Shu
Dharma Talk Story with Award Winning Director Yujiro Seki
& Online Screening of Documentary Film
"Carving the Divine"
Saturday, March 4 @5:00pm
on Zoom
“Peace On Your Wings” is an original musical based on the true story of Sadako Sasaki and her one thousand paper cranes, written by local writers Jenny Taira and Laurie Rubin, Directed by Cari Taira (Hawaii Food and Family), and Choreographed by Danielle Bensky. Enjoy this promotional video for the updated production! You can see a few young cast members sharing their thoughts and clips of the performance. https://youtu.be/GtBYLm3jpx0
Buy tickets: http://hawaiitheatre.com/peaceonyourwings
The Simultaneous NENBUTSU Recitation Meet 2023
January 18-24 (H.S.T.)
Registration starts on Wednesday January 18 @5:00am (Hawaii Time).
For more information, please visit here.
Do you practice Nenbutsu? Are you a follower of Nenbutsu? If so, please help us to make a Nenbutsu followers map. By registering your name and location on the special site, picture of lotus flower will be pop up in the map!
Showing of Documentary Film
"Carving the Divine"
Sunday, January 22 @11:30am
@Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii
What is Gyoki?
- Memorial Service for Honen Shonin
on Sunday, January 22
@10:00 am at Jodo Mission
In our Jodo Mission temples in Hawaii, Gyoki Memorial Services, are held in January of every year in honor of our founder, Honen Shonin. In Japan, the word Gyoki is used only for the memorial services for ancestors of the Emperor’s family. Placing his firm belief and trust in Honen Shonin’s teachings, the Emperor Gokashiwabara issued an edict in 1524, proclaiming that the word Gyoki is authorized to use for the memorial service of Honen Shonin.
In consideration of Emperor Gokashiwabara’s firm dedication to Honen Shonin’s teachings, what kind of a man must have Honen Shonin been to receive such special consideration? Of course, we know that Honen Shonin was the founder of our sect, but just being a founder of yet another of the long list of founders, of the many denominations of Buddhism introduced to Japan, could surely not be the sole reason for the Emperor’s edict. Honen Shonin must have possessed some outstanding qualities, which surpass those of the many other founders of Buddhist denominations in Japan.
Buddhism was introduced to Japan nearly 1,400 years ago, and in the beginning it was accepted by only a relatively small portion of the Japanese population. It was several centuries from the original introduction of Buddhism to Japan before the general public was able to really digest the Buddhist teachings, and seamlessly integrate them into the culture. Seven centuries later, perhaps the greatest of Buddhist reaches to succeed in pioneering this Cultural Revolution in Japan was none other than our own Honen Shonin.
Honen Shonin said, “In Buddhism there are eight thousand and four hundred teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha that are all of worthy our recognition, but the one that suits me best is the teaching of Nenbutsu. No matter how important a teaching may be, if it is only absorbed by the uneducated; or if it is accomplished by the rich yet not by the poor; or if it is observed by the virtuous yet not by the poor; or if it is observed by the sinful; or if it is understood by the adult but not by the young; if this were the case, then his teaching would only be appreciated by a very small fraction of the total population. In this sense, these teachings could never be deemed to be the teaching of true salvation for all. On the other hand, the recitation of Nenbutsu does not make any distinction in whatever, or wherever, we might be. The Nenbutsu can be recited by all people regardless of race, age, color, or gender. This teaching of the Nenbutsu was discovered by Honen Shonin amongst the eight thousand and four hundred teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha.
Honen Shonin taught us to just recite the Nenbutsu. Our genuine feelings are manifested in our sincere vocalization of the Holy Name of Amida Buddha. Therefore, when we recite the Nenbutsu, we have to say it loud enough that we can at least hear our own voice.
For the first time in history, Honen Shonin made Buddhism a religion for the laity, and as such, it very soon became a religion for the average people of Japan. Therefore, Honen Shonin’s tireless efforts became greatly appreciated by the succeeding Emperors of Japan; and in respect for his efforts, the Emperors have given Honen Shonin honorable, posthumous titles seven times in the past, where founders of the many other Buddhist sects in Japan have received such titles only once after their passing. The following are the seven titles given to our great founder, Honen Shonin, in the past:
Enko Daishi (The Great Sage who is a Guiding Light) give by the Emperor Higashiyama.)
Tozen Daishi (The Great Sage who propagated Buddhism Eastward) given by the Emperor Nakamikado.)
Ejo Daishi ( The Great Sage who perceived Wisdom) given by the Emperor Momozono.
Kogaku Daishi (The Great Sage who was broadly Awakened ) given by the Emperor Kokaku.
Jikyo Daishi (The Great Sage who taught Compassionate teachings )given by the Emperor Komei.
Meisho Daishi (The Great Sage who shines brilliantly) given by the Emperor Meiji.
Wajun Daishi (The Great Sage whose teaching is harmonious ) given by the Emperor Showa.
Honi Daishi (The Great Sage who was like True Nature) given by the Emperor Akihito.
Hawaii Council of Jodo Missions – Teaching Series Revival (2)
10th Zoom Nenbutsu
January 24-25, 2023
Hosted by Rev. Milan "Komyo" Sheresta in Kathmandu, Nepal and Rev. Ryosho Shimizu of Bodhgaya, India, we will have the 10th Zoom Nenbutsu on Tuesday, January 24 from 11:00 pm -12:00 midnight. Please join us in reciting ”Namu Amida Butsu” from anywhere in the world.
Please use the link below for your participation. It's absolutely for free!
MEETING ID: 810 3563 5766
* Times around the world are as follows
Hawaii Time:January 24, 2023 @23:00
Japan Time: January 25 @18:00
Brazil Time: January 25 @6:00
Australia : January 25 @19:00
Nepal: January 25 @14:45
India: January 25 @14:30
Hybrid Bodhi Day Service
Sponsored by Hawaii Buddhist Council
Sunday, December 4, 2022
at 9:30 am
at Jodo Mission of Hawaii
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84763165946?pwd=UnpIZ0FIN2tJOUZVOXUyK0Y0dXlxdz09
HBC Bodhi Day Service
December 4, 2022 at 9:30 am (H.S.T.)
at Jodo Mission of Hawaii
Guest Speaker: Roshi Michael Kieran, President of Hawaii Association of International Buddhists (HAIB)
Zoom Link is available.
Meeting ID: 847 6316 5946
Passcode: HBC
2022 Ojuya Service at Jodo Mission
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Jodo Mission presents
Haunted Open House
Saturday, October 29 from 6pm -8pm
at Jodo Mission
HCJM Laypersons' Association & Fujinkai
Online Meeting
Saturday, September 17 @9:00 am to 12:00 noon Sunday, September 18 @9:00 am Service
Hawaii Council of Jodo Missions Laypersons’ Association (President Joceyln Tengan) & Hawaii Jodo Shu Rengo Fujinkai (President Iris Nitta) will have Joint online meeting on the dates above. This convention was originally planned to be held in 2021 but was postponed till this year. Because of this ongoing pandemic, this zoom meeting is not an official meeting but still important for us to stay connected. For Jodo Mission members, please plan to attend this Zoom meeting or you can come to Jodo Mission before 9 am on both Saturday and Sunday, September 17 and 18 as we will set up a screen and projector.
We will exchange information and concern through this online meeting.
Please contact our office for the Zoom link for this convention.
(808)949-3995 / [email protected]
Jodo Mission of Hawaii
Higan Service & Grandparents' Day
Sunday, September 11,2022 @10:00am
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LIVE streaming Sunday Service at 10:00 am (HST)!
Please check Bishop's YouTube Channel.
Jodo Mission "Koinobori Celebration 2022
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Jodo Mission of Hawaii proudly observe its first "Koinobori Celebration" to celebrate and honor all lives.
Koinobori is a Japanese word to mean "Carp Streamer." It is a carp-shaped windsock. Traditionally, Koinobori is flown or displayed to celebrate Boy's Day on May 5th, now known as "Children's Day" which is a national holiday in Japan.
Koi is a spirited fish which represents strength and energy which could overcome difficulties to attain higher goals. It is our hope that Jodo Mission can be a wonderful landmark in the community which gives strength, peace and hope to all the people.
Will you be a sponsor of Koinobori? We would like to honor "Koinobori sponsors" by displaying "Koinobori card with name(s) and messages.
For more information, please call us at (808)949-3995 or visit our temple.
Hawaii Buddhist Council Hanamatsuri 2022
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2022 Buddha Day Celebration "Hanamatsuri" sponsored by Hawaii Buddhist Council was observed at Jodo Mission of Hawaii on Sunday, April 3, 2022 at 9:30am. Memorial Service for the Victims of Covid-19 was also co-held.
Sat. April 30, 22 @2-4pm
Free Virtual Workshop
Do You Know Why? Exploring rituals in sacred spaces - An Interfaith Dialogue, sponsored by the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK) - Yoshiaki Fujitani Interfaith Program at Chaminade University of Honolulu. The mission of the Program is to bring together the Buddhist community with other religious communities in Hawaii to promote interfaith dialogue and provide opportunities for understanding and action for peace and justice in our society.
The 17th 24-Hour Nenbutsu Practice Relay
From Fri, May 20 6pm -Sat, May 21, 2022 6pm
Friday, May 20 at 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Lahaina Jodo Mission, Rev. Gensho Hara & Rev. Wajira Wansa
Saturday, May 21 at 7:00 am -8:00 am
Wailuku Jodo Mission , Rev. Choon John Hara
9:00 am -10:00 am
Jodo Mission of Hawaii
For more information (Zoom Link), please click here.
The 17th 24-Hour Nenbutsu Practice Relay
From Fri, May 20 @6:00pm -Sat, May 21 2022 @6:00pm (HST)
Friday, May 20 at 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Lahaina Jodo Mission, Rev. Gensho Hara & Rev. Wajira Wansa
Saturday, May 21 at 7:00 am -8:00 am
Wailuku Jodo Mission , Rev. Choon John Hara
9:00 am -10:00 am
Jodo Mission of Hawaii
Fore more information (including a Zoom link), please click here.
Hawaii Buddhist Council
2022 Buddha Day Service
& Memorial Service for the Victims of Covid-19 Sunday, April 3, 2022 at 9:30 am (HST)
Guest Speaker: Dr. Glenda Nogami Streufert
Adapting & Responding to Uncertain Situations - Interaction with others
The Hawaii Buddhist Council will be holding the Buddha Day Service “Hanamatsuri” to commemorate the Birth of Siddhartha Gautama, who became Sakyamuni Buddha and also a memorial service for the victims of Covid-19 as follows;
Date: Sunday, April 3, 2022
Time: 9:30 am
Place: Jodo Mission of Hawaii (***Limited In-person Service)
(*1429 Makiki Street, Honolulu, HI 96814)
Guest Speaker: Dr. Glenda Nogami Streufert
Former Manager, Kauai Civil Defense Agency
Adapting & Responding to Uncertain Situations - Interaction with Others
Zoom Link :
Meeting ID: 881 7684 8159
Passcode: 593636
Kauai Buddhist Council
Virtual Hanamatsuri 2022
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Kauai Buddhist Council Virtual Hanamatsuri 2022
- Pray for World Peace -
at Kauai Buddhist Council YouTube Channel
on Sunday, April 3, 2022 at 9:30 am
Jodo Shu Informal Meeting
Lecture by Rev. Hodo Stephen Sakuta
Chinzeiki or Memorial Service for our 2nd founder of Jodo Shu, Shoko Shonin
February 25, 2022 @8:00pm (HST)
Jodo Shu ministers and friends in the world get together on Zoom for the betterment of our Jodo Shu community in the world. Hosted by Marcel in Korea, we are having a once-a-month meeting and sharing latest information on Jodo Shu. On this month, Rev. Hodo Stephen of Saga Prefecture in Japan will be giving us a lecture on Chinzeiki or memorial service for our 2nd founder of Jodo Shu. If you are interested in joining in our informal meeting, please contact [email protected]
Mahalo for joining us to pray for the World Peace on March 5th, 2022. Hosted by Jodo Shu South Amercia, we chanted "Namu Amida Butsu" together online.
"I take refuge in Amida Buddha."
Please continue to join us to recite "Namu Amida Butsu"
Though we may be far from each other,
we can be one in reciting Namu Amida Butsu.
天下和順 日月清明 風雨以時 災励不起
May there be harmony below the heavens
with the sun and moon shining brightly.
May the wind and rain be timely and
disasters and calamities not arise.
国豊民安 兵才無用 崇徳興仁 務修礼譲
May nations be bountiful, people safe, and
armies and weapons not be used.
Let us revere virtue and humanity and cultivate respect and humility.
Pray for World Peace
from Lahaina Jodo Mission, Maui, Hawaii
The 7th Zoom Nenbutsu
Hosted by Jodo Shu South America (Brazil)
March 5, 2022 @11:00 am (HST)
Hosted by Jodo Shu ministers in Brazil, we will have the 7th Zoom Nenbutsu on Saturday, March 5 from 11:00 am -12:00 noon. Please use the link below for your participation. It's absolutely for free!
Meeting ID :867 8026 5174
Please join us in reciting ”Namu Amida Butsu” from anywhere in the world.
* Times around the world are as follows
Brazil time: March 5h 18:00 pm
Japan time: March 6, 6:00 am
Australia Time: March 6, 7:00 am
Taiwan Time: March 6, 5:00 am
France Time: March 5, 22:00 pm
Nepal Time: March 6, 2:45 am
India Time: March 6, 2:30 am
Hawaii Time: March 5 11:00 am
The Simultaneous NENBUTSU Meet 2022
January 25th is the memorial day of our founder Honen Shonin (1133-1212). In commemoration of his memorial, All Japan Jodo Shu Young Ministers Association will sponsor "The Simultaneous Nenbutsu Meet 2022" from Wednesday, January 19 to Tuesday, January 25, 2022. For more information, please click "Read More."
The 6th Zoom Nenbutsu
Jan. 14th, 2022
@ 9:15 pm (Hawaii Standard Time)
It's very easy to join in this upcoming Zoom Nenbutsu. You can join in our chanting just by clicking the link below on Thursday, January 14 at 9:15pm (Hawaii Standard Time) . That's it. If you are a camera shy, you can turn off your webcam
2022 Jodo Shu Calendar
2022 Jodo Shu Calendar is now available at Jodo Mission of Hawaii.
If you wish to have a calendar, please feel free to let us know. It's for free, too!
Virtual Bodhi Day Service!!!
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Kauai Buddhist Council presents 2021 Virtual Bodhi Day Service.
The guest speaker is Rev. Shinri Hara from Maui.
Please join us.
Hawaii Buddhist Council will also sponsor its Virtual Bodhi Day Service today at the same time. Please check this out.
Happy Bodhi Day!
HBC Virtual Bodhi Day Service
Unofficial Movie Trailer is now available!
The 5th Zoom Nenbutsu Chanting
On Saturday November 13, 2021 at 11:00 am.
Since the 1st Zoom Nenbutsu was observed in November, 2020, we are very happy to announce to hold this 5th Zoom hosted by Hawaii Jodo Shu in Hawaii on November 13 from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon (Hawaii Standard Time). Anyone who can access to the internet can participate in this Zoom Nenbutsu for free. Please join in the Zoom link below according to your local time and let us chant “Namu Amida Bu(tsu)” together.
Meeting ID: 890 9599 4965
passcode: 888946
Ojuya Service at Jodo Mission of Hawaii
November 7, 2021 at 10:00 am at Jodo Mission of Hawaii
(For each temple's schedule, please contact the temple)
Based upon the text of the Muryojukyo, Jodo Shu followers observe a unique ten days and ten nights of reciting the Nenbutsu. This practice is said to have been started by Taira-no-Sadakuni's Nenbutsu retreat at Shinnyodo in Kyoto in the early 15th century. Today, most temples in Hawaii observe Ojuya as a one day event called "Nenbutsu Day Service."
The 10th 24-Hour Non-stop Nenbutsu Chanting
When: From Saturday, September 25@1:00pm to
Sunday, September 26, 2021 @1:00pm (Japan Time)
Friday, September 24 @6:00pm
– Saturday, September 25@6:00pm (Hawaii)
Saturday, September 25 @1:00am
– Sunday, September 26@1:00am (Brazil)
Saturday, September 25 @6:00am
-Sunday, September 26 @6:00am (Paris)
Saturday, September 25 @2:00pm
– Sunday, September 26@2:00pm (Australia)
Where: http://canchiin.net/special/24fudan/watchall.htm (YouTube)
http://canchiin.net/special/24fudan/ (Main)
The 10th annual “24-Hour Ceaseless (Continuous) Nenbutsu Chanting will be observed remotely via internet again this year from Saturday September 25 at 1:00pm to Sunday September 26 at 1:00pm (Japan Standard Time).
The theme is "BRIGHT LIGHTS, BIG PIETY – Calling the Name of Buddha (Nenbutsu) in the Center of Kyoto”. However due to the current covid-19 situation, we ask you not to come to the temples but to participate in the live feeds as we did in Tokyo and Kyoto last year.
This time, Shojokein Head Temple will be our main central base for the Nenbutsu Chanting for 24 hours. At the same time, Kanchiin Temple and its sister temple Tamonin Temple, where the main office of 24 Hour Ceaseless Nenbutsu Association is located, will also broadcast Nenbutsu Chanting and connects live streaming from the various temples and places in Japan and other countries.
Please understand we are not accepting any general participation at the main sites on that day. Please join us online to recite “Namu Amida Butsu(bu)” together by watching the livestreaming videos from the main sites in Kyoto and from various places in the world while you are staying at home.
This year, in addition to the YouTube, you can participate in this online Nenbutsu by Zoom by using your smart phone, tablet or computer.
Please click here to view the live stream or to participate in online Nenbutsu by Zoom.
If you wish to dedicate “Eko -Transference of Merit” for your beloved ones, please let us know by email, fax or mailing. Donation (Minimum $5 for Eko) will be greatly appreciated.
Contact: 24 Hour Ceaseless Nenbutsu Chanting Planning Committee
c/o Kanchiin Temple / 2-2-13 Shiba-Koen, Minato-Ku, Tokyo Japan 105-0011
Phone: 050-5809-9446 Fax: 03-3431-7807
- Email: [email protected]
2022 O-Bon Schedule
Upcoming HCJM Bon Dance (Maui)
| Jodo Mission of Hawaii |
Bon Dance on Saturday, August 20 @4:30pm (UPDATED)
Taiko Drumming Performance by Dragon Beat Hawaii @4:30pm
Opening Prayer by Bishop Kosen Ishikawa @5:00pm
Bon Dance @5:05pm
| Bon Service from July 22-24 (In-person and Online) July 22 @10:00am Hatsu-Bon Service July 23 @10:00 am & 6:00 pm Bon Service July 24 @10:00 am | *All services will be conducted by both in-person and YouTube Live.
| Haleiwa Jodo Mission |
Virtual Bon Dance | August 7@10:00am | *Virtual Toro Nagashi (Shot and edited in July)
| Kurtistown Jodo Mission |
| Bon Service on August 6 |
| Hilo Meishoin |
Bon Dance cancelled (UPDATED) | Bon Service July 17 @10am |
| Hakalau Jodo Mission |
Bon Dance on August 20 | Bon Service on August 20 |
| Hamakua Jodo Mission |
Bon Service on August 14 |
| Kohala Jodo Mission |
Bon Dance Cancelled | Bon Service July 10 @10:00 am |
| Hawi Jodo Mission |
Bon Dance Cancelled | Bon Service on August 7 @10am
| Wailuku Jodo Mission |
Bon Dance Friday, June 17 @7:00pm | Bon Service on June 17 @6:00pm | Mask required, food will be prepared.
| Kahului Jodo Mission |
Bon Dance on Saturday, June 25 @7:30pm | Bon Service on June 25 @6:30 pm |
| Lahaina Jodo Mission |
Private Bon Dance July 2 (Private) Only private presentation of “Daibutsu Ondo” | July 2 Bon Service, Toro Procession, Toro Nagashi and Presentation of Taiko, Presentation of Daibutsu Ondo. July 3 Bon Service & Toba Prayer |
| Kapaa Jodo Mission |
Bon Dance Cancelled by Kauai Buddhist Council | July 31 @10:00 am Bon Service with Toba prayer | Bon Grave services at Anahola, Kapaa-Kealia, Wailua and Kapaia will be held in August 6, 2022.
| Koloa Jodo Mission |
Bon Dance Cancelled | June 26@10:30 am Bon Service with Toba prayer | Toro Nagashi discontinued for good. Bon Grave services at Lawai, Koloa, Hanapepe cemeteries will be conducted in June -July.
Amazon Smile -Introducing a New Simple Way to support Jodo Mission
Did you know...that Amazon could donate 0.5% of your purchase to any charitable Organization (501c3) when you shop at Amazon Smile at no extra cost? Please select our temple as your favorite organization and shop at Amazon Smile.